Book Spotlight Thursday: The Shadows of Wren by Jen Bliton

It’s Thursday! Today, caught in the spotlight, is The Shadows of Wren by Jen Bliton! The cover is stunning, and this is book one(#1) in what is to be “The Light in the Shadow series.

Let’s read more!

The Shadows of Wren (The Light in the Shadows)

Publication Date: August 30, 2023

Genre: Romantic Fantasy


⦁ Ancient Magic
⦁ Mythical Creatures
⦁ Friends to Lovers/ Insta Love
⦁ Large Scale Battles
⦁ Trauma Healing
⦁ Mental Health Rep

May the Valiant Prevail.

After decades of peace within the lands of Caldumn ruled by the Red Kingdom, the southern towns have come under attack. Their libraries burned and ancient texts stolen by an ominous force.
An unlikely alliance between two magic kinds is formed when Wren, a nineteen-year-old Mage, finds herself in the middle of a conflict that will take her outside of the peaceful life she's known. Along her journey, she meets Tyran, whose Necromancer magic is not widely trusted, and learns they share a deeper ancient magic that has long since disappeared.
Together with the help of all magic kinds, they must unite the towns to save their lands, and themselves, while the threat of the Red Kingdom looms.

Get it on >>>>> Amazon


Jennifer lives in Southern California with her husband, a tiny human, and five cats.

Coming from a background in Content Creation, she and her husband livestream gaming content on Twitch and gaming content on YouTube, where you can find her playing World of Warcraft and Diablo IV. She loves being out in her garden and tries her best to grow various fruits and veggies throughout the year among any flowers, bulbs, or roots she can get her hands on.

Learn more about Jen at

Book Spotlight Thursday: A Sword of Shadow and Deceit by Lucinda Dark

This Thursday’s Book Spotlight is the enticing A Sword of Shadow and Deceit by Lucinda Dark. If you enjoy dark fantasy romance, enemies-to-lovers, and a good anti-hero, this book is a must-read!

A Sword of Shadow and Deceit (Mortal Gods #1)

Publication Date: March 21, 2024

Genre: Dark Fantasy Romance/ Why Choose

🖤Dark Fantasy Romance
🗡️Assassin FMC
🚫Forbidden Existence
🔥Why Choose

Desperation makes warriors of captives. The Gods split the skies and rained down tyranny upon the mortal realm long ago. Ever since then, the only thing worse than being human is being of Divine Blood.For someone like me—an undocumented God child, indebted to the Underworld Assassination Guild—that means only one thing: A life in the shadows. Or so it should have been … until Mortal Gods Academy. Until them.
The Darkhaven Brothers are truly the worst of all the Gods’ spawn. Arrogant. Wicked. Violent. To them, I’m nothing more than a human plaything meant for torment. For me … they’re the path and the key to my freedom. But if any of them find out who I am, what I am … even the shadows won’t be able to save me.

*Contains dark with themes of a dark nature that may be triggering. Please check trigger warnings and read responsibly*



Lucy Smoke, also known as Lucinda Dark for her fantasy works, has a master’s degree in English and is a self-proclaimed creative chihuahua. She enjoys feeding her wanderlust, cover addiction, as well as her face, and truly hopes people will stop giving her bath bombs as gifts. Bath’s get cold too fast and it’s just not as wonderful as the commercials make it out to be when the tub isn’t a jacuzzi.
When she’s not on a never-ending quest to find the perfect milkshake, she lives and works in the southern United States with her beloved fur-baby, Hiro, and her family and friends.

Follow Lucy/Lucinda at Lucy Smoke/ Lucinda Dark

Book Release Special: The Curse of the Fallen (The Wicked Kingdom Book 3) by Abby Fox

After featuring Book 1, Curse of the Crow, last Thursday, since it is now April 8th, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to join the celebration showcasing the release of the last book in The Wicked Kingdom Series. Behold The Curse of the Fallen by Abby Fox.

The Curse of the Fallen: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 3)

Publication Date: April 7, 2024

Genre: Fantasy Romance


Hidden Identities
Slow Burn
Delicious Angst
Morally Gray Fae MMC
Burn the World for Each Other
One Bed
Powerful but Awkward FMC
Denied Soul Mates

A lost prince. A powerful heiress. A destructive secret.
Fleeing the castle’s gilded prison and on the run from the king, Nava and Arkimedes are confronted by a sinister shadow-figure, who looks like Arkimedes and who wants Nava dead. He vows to end the Beekeepers and bring destruction into the world.
Forced into hiding in the only place their enemies can’t reach them, the Society of Crows Safehouse, Nava and Arkimedes must find a way to prevent their enemy from unleashing demons into this realm.
But stopping him seems impossible, and with the king’s guards on their tail, will they manage it? Or will their love, their lives, and even the entire world be destroyed?

Curse of the Fallen is a dark, action-packed, sexy, fated mates fantasy romance for fans of ACOTAR.