Book Review: The Shepherd And The Horned Girl by Breanna Bright

Ivas Sbarg has seen a monster…

The Shepherd and the Horned Girl (The Tales of the Shepherd #1)

Publication Date: March 3, 2023

Genre: YA Horror


In the quaint seaside town of Loch Lomond, an ominous fog descends, shrouding the landscape in mystery and fear. As the locals whisper of lurking terrors within its depths, the fog thickens, casting an eerie pall over the town.

When a girl goes missing, simple shepherd Ivas Sbarg has the only clue to what happened, and he ventures into the mist to find her. He stumbles upon a chilling revelation: something far more sinister than the monstrous fog is on the horizon, and it hungers for the souls of all who dwell in Loch Lomond.

In a desperate bid to unravel the mystery and save their town from impending doom, Ivas, a girl with horns and an incredible cast of villagers, must navigate the treacherous fog and confront otherworldly forces. But as they delve deeper into the heart of darkness, they soon realize that the true enemy may lie closer than they ever imagined.

A gripping tale of unlikely alliances and unwavering courage, The Shepherd and the Horned Girl plunges readers into a world of ancient legends and supernatural horrors. With its richly developed characters and palpable sense of dread, this haunting narrative explores themes of grief, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship.



Earning the title “Sister Grimm” from me, The Shepherd and the Horned Girl captures the tone and haunt of old Brother Grimm tales but with a modern twist. We meet Ivas, a sheep farmer, and the fog that seems to haunt the small portside town of Loch Lomond. When Ivas, out in the fog one night looking for his lost sheep, sees a creature and a young girl named Ruby disappear. Ivas knows that creature. Ivas swears not again and sets out to find her.

Ruby, battling the grief of her father being lost at sea, gets a letter from a strange creature and sets off to find her dad, knowing the fog took him. The fog can change you, though. To survive in the fog, Ruby had grown horns. Rescued by Ivas and the horns removed, Ruby is reunited with her mother with life to go back to normal, but then the horns start growing back. It’s the fog…something is coming, and when Ruby’s horns are revealed to the townfolk, chaos ensues.  The Death god is coming, coming for them all.

I love old folk tales, and The Shepherd and the Horned Girl reads like a modern-day folk tale to me. While evil lurking fog and monsters host the surface of this book, The Shepherd and the Horned Girl holds a deeper meaning in dealing with death, grief, and fear. On how it can consume us if we don’t deal with it. Bright weaves this intelligently in her tale, which is wrapped in ominous supernatural and superstitions.

Bright writes with a haunting tone that holds you on the edge of your seat with each page turn as she makes you feel every word she writes. I got choked up in some parts, and a book has never, NEVER made me teary-eyed.

The Shepherd and the Horned Girl is book 1 in “The Shepard Tales”, which I love because it feels like the seaside town of Loch Lamond has a lot more stories to tell, and once you’ve been touched by the supernatural, you are never quite the same.

My rating 5 out of 5 stars

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Breanna Bright is the author of ‘In The End’ and ‘The Shepherd and the Horned Girl’. She lives in the American Midwest but is always on the move with travels and adventures, searching for the next story.

Learn more about Breanna at

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